In software development, Git (/ɡɪt/) is a distributed revision control and source code management (SCM) system with an emphasis on speed. Git was initially designed and developed by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development; it has since been adopted by many other projects. Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with complete history and full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. Git is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.

Create patch from uncommitted changes
17 Mar, 2025
There are two options when generating a patch from uncommitted changes: git diff and git diff --cached. git diff captures unstaged changes, modifications in the working directory that have not been...

How to remove changes from "to be committed"
9 Jan, 2025
"git reset" moves files from the "staged for commit" area (the index) back to the "unstaged" area. It does not delete or modify your actual changes in the working directory.

When should you use git pull --rebase?
5 Aug, 2023
Use "git pull --rebase" when you need to integrate changes from a remote repository into your local branch. This command not only brings in the new changes but also restructures your local commit...

Creating a Patch File from a Git Commit
27 Apr, 2023
A patch file contains the differences between two sets of code, and can be used to apply changes to another codebase. In Git, you can create a patch file from a specific commit by using the "git...

Cancel git merge keeping your changes
16 May, 2019
You can stop merge keeping all current changes in the working directory using stash. Witch stops the on going merge automatically.

Git: Delete branches not in origin any more
8 Mar, 2017
Usually you can remove branches that have been deleted on remote with prune (git fetch -p). Although sometimes there are stale branches and it needs a different approach. Reference to original source...

Git: Checkout all changes
13 Jul, 2015
When you have multiple instances or sync for local ide. You might want to checkout all changes and then do git pull. The issue is that there are different commands for different actions. This can...

Git: Add more files to previous commit
8 May, 2015
How to add files that you forgot to commit, or you want to create more changes to the last commit. It is really simple, just commit your changes and use amend.
NB: You can only do this, before you...

Git - Rename last commit
7 Mar, 2013
If your message name goes wrong or gets accidentally submitted, it isn't too late. NB: If you have already pushed your commit you can't do it or you won't be able to use you repository later.