
Convert object to array in JavaScript

19 Jul, 2024
In JavaScript, you can convert an object to an array in several ways depending on what part of the object you want to convert (keys, values, or entries). You can add a check to ensure that the...

Get first parameter value alphabetically from array of arrays

13 Jun, 2024
Using this solution we find and display the item from an array of associative arrays that has any specified attribute (like title, name, etc.) which comes first alphabetically. This approach can be...

Order objects in array by property in JavaScript

12 Jun, 2024
In JavaScript, you can sort arrays of objects by a specified property using custom functions that handle both string and integer properties, and can sort in either ascending or descending order. The...
preact icon

Using addEventListener in Preact

12 Jun, 2024
This example demonstrates how to add and properly clean up event listeners in a Preact functional component using the useEffect hook. A button element is referenced using useRef, and event listeners...

React Native: Run only when internet is connected

25 Apr, 2024
To run code in React Native only when a network connection is available, you can use the NetInfo module from the @react-native-community/netinfo package. This module allows you to subscribe to...

React Native Bullet List Component

24 Mar, 2024
In React Native, standard list components are not available by default. This code snippet showcases a custom bullet list component designed to fill this gap. With custom styles and a simple yet...

SQLite insert or update

20 Mar, 2024
The "INSERT OR UPDATE" operation, often referred to as "UPSERT," is a database operation that either inserts a new row into a table if it doesn't already exist or updates an existing row if it does....

structuredClone in React Native

18 Mar, 2024
This snippet is about deep cloning objects in React Native. React Native does not have a direct equivalent to the structuredClone() method because it doesn't have the same browser environment and...

Generating UUIDs in React Native

13 Mar, 2024
You cannot use the regular uuid package directly in React Native due to its dependency on crypto.getRandomValues, which is not supported in the React Native environment. This code snippet introduces...

Drupal 7: Ensure Default Display Tab Visibility in Views UI Edit Form

13 Mar, 2024
This code snippet utilizes hook_form_alter to ensure that the 'Default' display tab remains visible in the Views UI edit form of Drupal 7, allowing users to easily access and modify default display...