The issue comes down to picking ControllerBase or ContainerInjectionInterface. Here is a simple explanation between the two paths of ControllerBase vs ContainerInjectionInterface.
Get dom element height in JavaScript
5 Nov, 2024
Get the total height of an element, optionally including its margins.
PHP: Detect mime type by extension
27 Oct, 2024
If you're working in a PHP environment and want to detect MIME types by file extension, using Symfony's Mime component is a great choice. Here’s how to set it up and use it:
navigation.goBack() does not refresh context/state in react native
21 Oct, 2024
To ensure that navigation.goBack() refreshes context or state in React Native, add logic to refresh or reload data when the screen is focused after navigating back.
Get mimetype from takePictureAsync() in Expo React Native
18 Oct, 2024
takePictureAsync() from expo-camera does not directly return the MIME type. It only returns the URI, base64, width, height, and other metadata. To get the MIME type, you can determine it based on the...
JavaScript: get char count from the end of a string
17 Oct, 2024
You can count the asterisks at the end of a string, in JavaScript, using this snippet. This uses match() with the regex \*+$ to find the sequence of asterisks at the end of the string. If there's a...
PHP: use docstring to mark function deprecated
15 Oct, 2024
To mark a PHP function as deprecated and provide an alternative in the docstring, use the @deprecated tag. This makes it clear to developers that the function is deprecated and specifies the...
Dialog form fieldsets to show in columns not rows in CKEditor 4
13 Sep, 2024
Instead of stacking elements vertically in rows, we use an hbox layout, which arranges the child elements horizontally (in a single row). hbox is CKEditor's way of arranging elements in a horizontal...
Equal width columns except the last one, using flex in CSS
13 Sep, 2024
To create CSS flex columns with equal width except for the last one, you can use this combination of flexbox properties.
Append to HTML with JavaScript
13 Sep, 2024
To append content to an HTML element using JavaScript, you can use appendChild() for DOM elements or innerHTML for strings.