21 January 2014

This tutorials shows how to benchmark your hardware in Linux. Also how to get your hardware information, etc.

Hard disk drive (HDD)

Source code viewer
  1. hdparm -tT /dev/sda
Programming Language: Bash
Timing cached reads: 12154 MB in 2.00 seconds = 6080.59 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 322 MB in 3.01 seconds = 107.11 MB/sec

Hardware information and benchmarks:

Source code viewer
  1. sudo apt-get install hardinfo
  2. hardinfo
Programming Language: Bash
This opens up a graphical benchmarking tool. Also this application shows your hardware information.

Super pi

Source code viewer
  1. ftp
  2. ftp pi.super-computing.org
  3. # name: anonymous
  4. # password:
  5. cd Linux
  6. get super_pi.tar.gz
  7. exit
  8. mkdir super_pi
  9. mv super_pi.tar.gz super_pi
  10. cd super_pi
  11. tar -zxvf super_pi.tar.gz
  12. ./super_pi 2
  13. # It works on x86.
Programming Language: Bash