24 June 2022

Simple guide how to turn on wifi in command line. If you don't have the packages and can only connect through wifi you need to use the bootable usb. This is how you can make it work on your installed machine.

Source code viewer
  1. #Install the iwd package.
  2. pacman -S iwd
  4. # Create /etc/iwd/main.conf and ifll it with the lines below:
  5. [General]
  6. EnableNetworkConfiguration=true
  8. [Network]
  9. NameResolvingService=systemd
  11. # Start services.
  12. systemctl start iwd
  13. systemctl start systemd-resolved
  15. # Connect to a network.
  16. iwctl
  17. device list
  18. station device scan
  19. station device get-networks
  20. station device connect SSID
Programming Language: Bash