3 February 2024

The PHP code snippet creates a DateTime object using a Unix timestamp. The "@" symbol before the timestamp is how DateTime is interpreting the value as a Unix timestamp rather than a regular date string. This allows for direct conversion of the timestamp to a DateTime object without the need for additional parsing or manipulation. Once the DateTime object is instantiated, developers can easily manipulate, format, and perform calculations with the date and time represented by the timestamp. This streamlined approach simplifies handling temporal data within PHP applications, offering a convenient solution for tasks such as displaying timestamps in user interfaces or conducting time-sensitive operations.

Source code viewer
  1. $timestamp = 1612687626; // Example timestamp
  3. // Create a DateTime object using the timestamp
  4. $date = new DateTime("@$timestamp");
  6. // Format the date as per your requirements
  7. $formatted_date = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
  9. echo $formatted_date;
Programming Language: PHP