20 December 2010

Installing Google App Engine SDK on Ubuntu or any linux distribution.

Get App Engine Python SDK:

Download Linux version of "Google App Engine SDK for Python".

Install the SDK:

Lets install the SDK to opt directory.
Source code viewer
  1. # Go to your downloads directory.
  2. cd /home/$USER/Downloads/
  3. # You might need to change the version of App Engine Python SDK.
  4. unzip google_appengine_1.4.0.zip
  5. # Lets move unziped files to /opt.
  6. sudo mv /home/$USER/Downloads/google_appengine /opt/google/appengine
Programming Language: Bash

Running App Engine:

Running a project locally:
Source code viewer
  1. export PATH=$PATH:/opt/google/appengine/
  2. dev_appserver.py /path/to/your/application/
Programming Language: Bash

Uploading a Project:
Source code viewer
  1. export PATH=$PATH:/opt/google/appengine/
  2. appcfg.py update /path/to/your/application/
Programming Language: Bash