This shows code examples of what I had to do to create custom pane programmatically for Panels in Drupal 7. In this example I create new pane where you can pick your node and display it.
I added panels dependency to my .info file.Source code viewer
dependencies[] = panelsProgramming Language: YAML
HOOK.module plugin directory
Add ctools plugin directory hook. Also create a folder called "plugins" to your module file. In plugins directory create a folder called "content_types".Source code viewer
/** * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory(). */ function HOOK_ctools_plugin_directory($module, $plugin) { return 'plugins/' . $plugin; } }Programming Language: PHP plugin file
Create a file that will be your plugin in plugins/content_types directory.Source code viewer
'title' => t('This is my custom pane.'), 'single' => FALSE, 'description' => t('My custom pane lets pick a node and display it.'), 'all contexts' => TRUE, ); /** * Title callback for admin page. */ function HOOK_PANE_admin_title($subtype, $conf, $context = NULL) { return t('My custom pane'); } /** * Callback to provide administrative info (the preview in panels when building a panel). */ function HOOK_PANE_admin_info($subtype, $conf, $context = NULL) { $block = new stdClass(); $block->title = t('Custom pane'); if ($conf['override_title'] == TRUE) { $title_value = '<b>' . $conf['override_title_text'] . '</b>'; } else { $title_value = t('Not Set'); } $config[] = t('Title') . ': ' . $title_value; return $block; } /** * Edit callback for the content type. */ function HOOK_PANE_content_type_edit_form($form, &$form_state) { $conf = $form_state['conf']; if ($form_state['op'] == 'add') { '#prefix' => '<div class="no-float">', '#title' => t('Enter the title or NID of a node'), '#description' => t('To use a NID from the URL, you may use %0, %1, ..., %N to get URL arguments. Or use @0, @1, @2, ..., @N to use arguments passed into the panel.'), '#type' => 'textfield', '#maxlength' => 512, '#autocomplete_path' => 'ctools/autocomplete/node', '#weight' => -10, '#suffix' => '</div>', ); } else { '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $conf['nid'], ); } return $form; } /** * Submit callback for settings form. */ function HOOK_PANE_content_type_edit_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { foreach (element_children($form) as $key) { $form_state['conf'][$key] = $form_state['values'][$key]; } } } /** * Run-time rendering of the body of the block (content type). */ function HOOK_PANE_content_type_render($subtype, $conf, $panel_args) { $block = new stdClass(); $block = new stdClass(); if ( $conf['override_title'] == TRUE ) { $block->title = $conf['override_title_text']; } else { $block->title = NULL; } $node = node_load($nid_match[1]); $block->content = node_view($node, 'teaser'); return $block; } return NULL; }Programming Language: PHP