The difference between querySelectorAll in vanilla JavaScript and jQuery's selector lies in their syntax and underlying implementation. querySelectorAll is a native JavaScript method that allows for selecting DOM elements using CSS-style selectors. It returns a NodeList, and to apply actions to the selected elements, a loop is typically employed. In contrast, jQuery provides a concise syntax, such as $('.item'), making it more convenient for selecting and manipulating elements. Additionally, jQuery abstracts away cross-browser compatibility concerns and simplifies complex operations, offering a more concise and readable code. However, with advancements in native JavaScript, the need for jQuery has diminished, and developers often choose querySelectorAll for simplicity and performance benefits in modern web development.
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// jQuery var element = $('#example'); // Vanilla JavaScript document.querySelectorAll('.item').forEach(item => { // ... Instead of chaining functions you can run them here. });Programming Language: Javascript