Converting an SVG file to DXF via the terminal requires Inkscape and pstoedit. There might be other ways too, but this was the easiest way. I also use SVGO to clean up the SVG beforehand, to possibly reduce complexity.
Source code viewer
# Optimize the SVG file using SVGO (optional but can help reduce file size and complexity) svgo example.svg # Convert the optimized SVG file to EPS format using Inkscape inkscape -o example.eps example.svg # Convert the EPS file to DXF format using pstoedit # -dt : Disable text conversion (keeps text as text objects) # -f 'dxf:...' : Specify DXF output format with options: # - -polyaslines: Convert polygons to polylines (useful for CAD software) # - -mm : Use millimeters as the unit instead of points pstoedit -dt -f 'dxf:-polyaslines -mm' example.eps example.dxfProgramming Language: Bash