In this layout structure, the parent element is set to display as inline-block, creating a container that adapts to the size of its content. Similarly, the content within the parent element is styled as inline-block, allowing it to flow horizontally within the parent container. By utilizing the CSS property vertical-align with the value of middle applied to the inline-block content, the content is effectively centered vertically within the parent container. This arrangement ensures a visually pleasing alignment, making it ideal for scenarios where both the parent and its content need to be horizontally and vertically centered while maintaining their inline-block display behavior.
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.parent { display: inline-block; height: 200px; /* Set a height for the parent container */ line-height: 200px; /* Set line height equal to the height for vertical centering */ border: 1px solid #000; /* Optional: Add a border to visualize the parent */ } .inline-block { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; /* Align the inline block vertically */ }Programming Language: CSS