10 August 2024

Tailwind CSS 2 doesn't natively support the outline-offset utility, so you'll need to add it through a custom plugin. Use the utility-first approach by extending the configuration in the tailwind.config.js file.

Source code viewer
  1. module.exports = {
  2. theme: {
  3. extend: {
  4. // Any other theme extensions can go here
  5. },
  6. },
  7. variants: {
  8. extend: {
  9. outlineOffset: ['focus', 'active'], // Add variants if necessary
  10. },
  11. },
  12. plugins: [
  13. function({ addUtilities }) {
  14. const newUtilities = {
  15. '.outline-offset-0': { outlineOffset: '0px' },
  16. '.outline-offset-1': { outlineOffset: '1px' },
  17. '.outline-offset-2': { outlineOffset: '2px' },
  18. '.outline-offset-4': { outlineOffset: '4px' },
  19. '.outline-offset-8': { outlineOffset: '8px' },
  20. '.outline-offset-16': { outlineOffset: '16px' },
  21. };
  23. addUtilities(newUtilities, ['responsive', 'hover', 'focus', 'active']);
  24. },
  25. ],
  26. };
Programming Language: Javascript